Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate can be issued to any individual person OR to any authorised individual person on behalf of organization for various platforms like etendering, eprocurement, eticketing, trademark efiling, custom and excise efiling, CHAs, high court efiling, dgft, icegate, foreign trade, ipr, net banking login, MEIS, eSanchit, DGFT and many more. Private Organizations, banks, government organizations can buy Class 3 digital certificate for their authorized employees by submitting required documents. Class 3 digital certificate can be procured for any foreign national for any foreign organization also.
After submitting required documents, to obtain Class 3 Digital Signature, the applicant needs to go through Video, Phone & eMail Verification to provide his consent for buying digital signatures. Class 3 digital signature comes with one year, two years or three years of validity. We provide Vsign Class 3 digital signatures signing only or combo ( signing & encryption ) certificate with USB Token at best prices and post-sale support.
If you are looking digital signature certificate for all over India eTendering, then you may buy Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate. Class 3 Digital Certificate can be issued for both business & individual use.