Digital Signature For MCA (ROC)
As a part of the e-Governance project, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs mandated the use of Class 2 digital signature certificate to incorporate Private Limited and Limited Companies. The Registrar of Companies or ROC is the department under MCA for which the users are basically required Class 2 digital signature. Actually, ROC is the authority that incorporates companies under the Companies Act. An individual who is planning to register a company is nowadays required Class 2 digital signature certificate.
If the company is started by two or more individuals, one of them should obtain the Class 2 DSC to incorporate the company. As per the guidelines of Controller of Certifying Authorities, Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, any individual can obtain the Class 2 digital signature certificate for MCA/ROC from any Registered Authority (RA) or Certifying Authority (CA) by submitting the duly filled in application form along with the required documents. offers Class 2 DSC for MCA/ROC at a nominal price in Delhi. In addition, it also renews the same at easy to afford charges.
Importance of Class 2 Digital Signature Certificate for MCA/ROC
Digital signature certificate and the Certifying Authority (CA) are the two components of the Public Key Infrastructure or PKI, an overall Internet Security System. Once the PKI is operational, the persons using the digital signature certificate can be easily traced and held accountable for any action they take. Ministry of Corporate Affairs made Class 2 digital signature mandatory to incorporate any company because of this reason. Earlier, it was not easy to track the action taken by the business organizations, thus giving an opportunity to the companies for doing wrong activities. But, every illegal action taken in today’s time can be easily tracked by the digital signature certificate. The government now has a record of every online transaction and documentation done by the companies.
The Benefits of Class 2 Digital Signature
- You can sign and send any business document to your customer or client very easily.
- It ensures the integrity and authenticity of the digitally signed document.
- It ensures the safety of confidential information.
- It helps in communicate with the website of Ministry of Corporate Affairs.
- Thus, if you are planning to incorporate a company, obtain the Class 2 digital signature certificate for MCA/ROC from before wasting your time.