Renewal of Digital Signature Certificate of Class 2, Digital Signature Certificate Class 3 and Digital Signature Certificate for DGFT.Renew your existing Digital Signature Certificate for 1 Years or 2 Years Validity. Renewal process of Digital Signature Certificate is very easy and less time taking. For Renewal of Digital Signature Certificate, you need to have a Class 2, Class 3 and DGFT Digital Signature Certificate.
For Renew Digital Signature Certificate, the following things should be applicable :
The renewal shall be exclusive of the USB Token. If you have not procured the USB Token last time, you shall have to do so now.
Renewal shall be given to the same name only. Any change in the name shall be considered as a fresh case and processed accordingly.
You shall be allowed to change the e-mail and the phone number if required.
New application form along with documents must be submitted to us within 7 Days of Expiry Date of Your Existing DSC.